I’m so fucking scared of driving.

I’m 23 and I’ve never driven. At all. And now my MIL says I have until the 16th to study cause she’s taking me to get my permit. After that, she wants to take me driving.

Before anyone asks, no I can’t get out of it. Not only will it upset her, but I need to do this. My fiance has bad eyesight and can only drive during daylight. I need to be able to drive in case there’s a moment where he can’t.

I’m scared. Every time I even think about being behind the wheel, my heart starts to pound. What if I crash? What if I hurt someone? I can’t afford to fix a car or a lawsuit. What if I panic while driving? What if I fuck something up?

I don’t know how I’m going to manage it. My fiancé, who just started driving himself, says it’s easy. My best friends says they were scared at first too but it’s not bad at all. They say it’s easy too.

I just can’t believe it. How can moving a huge vehicle between other huge vehicles and bikes and people be easy? I don’t think I’ll be good at it.

I need advice or reassurance or something.