Anarcho-socialist feeling hopeless
Is anyone else feeling hopeless, depressed, defeated, powerless and invalidated because of what's happening to the USA/my country.
I didn't know where to post my feelings on this and find the validation I need because no one (besides my spouse) is capable of validating how I feel at the moment.
Im a history teacher, a veteran, an artist and a self described anarcho socialist. I am vehemently anti fascist I'm posting on here because based off what I saw in 2020 from antifa. You guys are the only ones capable of taking the action necessary to actually fight fascism.
Now my rant: trump has control of the courts and dems keep saying we need to sue. Trump pardoned Jan 6thers and the dem house speaker shrugs and says what can we do. Bernie sanders has the right idea but only says what we need to do in vague terms. (Protest, unite, fight etc) Meanwhile trump implements tariffs that will raise the cost of everything making my life and millions of others lives harder. In addition to mass firing federal workers. So I reach out and share the facts with my family and all I get as a response is not anger but a shrug, don't worry about it, let's give him(trump) a chance and I dont want to talk about it.
As a history teacher i can see so clearly that THIS is FASCISM and I feel like the lone voice on the train warning the passengers that the bridge is out and a derailment is imminent. I feel like I'm screaming at the top of my lungs WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING! But I can't do it without help but everyone just looks out the window and says everything is fine outside! Your crazy! This train is perfectly fine!
So ive sat down and am now saying, I got to get off this train! Or I need to find a way to rally the passengers to retake this train! Or is it to late for that? Idk I'm feeling all of the feelings I've described above. Im going to my local VFW today because maybe there I'll find a way to improve and help my life and others? Where should I go? Any suggestions for actions are helpful and validation is extremely helpful right now thank you for reading all the way to the end.