What's your take on luxuries?
I'm a firm believer in anti consumption; it is an evil that is both destroying the planet and turning the working class into debt slaves. It is the largest engine for redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen; it conditions people to send all their wealth upwards in exchange for debt that also moves moneys upward.
So I like living in less than half the house I could afford, I never buy new cars, love my thrift store clothes, and don't believe in debt. But I do like my luxuries. I couldn't become an alcoholic because I wouldn't be able to afford it at the price point of the single malts I enjoy. I don't eat out often, I don't even waste money on work lunches, but I don't mind spending money on the special dinner events that high end restaurants host throughout the year. Same with my groceries budget; generous because a lot of the generic stuff is crappy. Shit the usual bill from the charcuterie and cheese shop ain't pretty...
Is it somehow less anti consumption if instead of eating Kroger branded ham I'm eating jamon Iberico?