Recovery Timeframe after Bimalleolar Ankle Fracture

Hi everyone,

I fell down the stairs on Dec 24, 2023 which resulted in a bimalleolar right ankle fracture (displaced medial malleolus, fractured distal fibula, and torn syndesmosis). I had emergency surgery the same day which resulted in 6 screws and a plate. I had staples on the left side of my ankle and 8 bandages on the right side. I was advised not to bear any weight on my fractured foot for 3 months. I fell one week after my fall in the bathroom, but luckily it did not have any impact on my healing fracture.

I was given clearance by my orthopaedic surgeon to begin walking on my right ankle with an air cast on March 20, 204. Since my surgery, I have used a walker for mobility and was advised to continue using it as I relearn how to walk.

For the first few days it was so painful to even to tap my right foot to take a step, but with practice the pain has subsided some. I can now independently go to the bathroom and can stand without holding on to my walker. I’m still not able to walk up and down the stairs because I’m unable to bear the excessive amount of weight on my right ankle. I have been trying to practice by shifting my body weight on my right foot with light support from my walker to lift my left foot.

My orthopaedic surgeon said he would remove the air cast on April 24, 2024. Just want to point out that I start physiotherapy on April 8, 2024, so I’m not sure if this timeline is realistic . I’m also not sure if I’m on track in terms of recovery. I know everyone’s journey is different, but any input or suggestions for my healing and recovery would be greatly appreciated.