Beginner milestones - have I missed something??
Hello! I'm somewhat new, been playing for 3 months now and I can't help but feel really behind or that I'm missing certain aspects or have done something wrong. I looked at the wiki progression timeline because there's certain things I want to unlock and my game feels so different than what I see on there. I know that nothing is garunteed on any timeline, but still being 3 months in playing regularly I don't have ladders and can't figure it out! I only placed 2 villager houses and have invited 2 more villagers to my island but they've not showed up. When I buy a nook island ticket to go and try to invite more villagers no one is on that island anymore for me to invite. No Harvey, no house upgrade for fence posts, no new villagers, no town hall, no customization, and that's all before day 8 according to AC wiki. Again, I know it's not all garunteed, but have I missed something?? I really want a ladder or a bridge or to be able to actually do things in the game!