Photo tour: recently decorated kitchen

I decorated my kitchen for Sunday happy house academy rating. I feel like something is wrong with my kitchen and can’t really point out what it is but these are all the kitchen items I have. I have the DLC too.

I wish I had some surface to put a microwave a coffee machine and a toast machine but then it’s gonna be really tiny I really need a TV here. I don’t have one in real life in my kitchen so I really want to have TV in my kitchen in this game.

the fridge is old and is probably annoyingly loud when I turn off the lights and go to bed and I decided to make a sloppy look and left the trash there too. I’m a bit messy but I will say the look was inspired by Naruto’s house but I kinda wanted to have a country look going on too.

I love carpets everywhere probably if you zoom in there could be some stepped on rice on that carpet but idc and as a final touch added lots of spice like lots of.

There is a rice cooker like everyone has one but I never use it because I never cook rice in asian way and I usually use jasmine or basmati rice and cook it chicken flavor with butter for only one person so rice cookers are not good for me but I have one.

Story of my in game kitchen. Lol thank you for reading.