A moment of kindness on here and a question from a Deaf player
My boyfriend recently started ACNH on the switch and he’s played a couple AC games before but I’ve had ACNH for a few years and it’s the only AC game I’ve played. So I’ve been helping him out a little with bells and DIYs when I remembered what happened a couple years ago on here.
I’m completely Deaf, and I was struggling catching a bug that you have to dig up (blanking on which bug). ETA: Comments told me it’s the mole cricket. Thanks! Tried digging at random. I posted here and a Redditor came to my island and let me follow them around like Lassie. They guided me to where they heard the bug and I’d dig. We got the bug on the second try! Just a little reminder that there are so many nice people in this sub :) Would’ve been nice to have a little noise animation near where it was buried or something (like how you can see the animation for Manila clams so you know it’s doable)
I was surprised yesterday when my boyfriend said he could hear a balloon approaching in game (I’ve relied on just sight for balloons for example). I don’t think there are too many other things I wouldn’t be able to catch due to sound/out of sight things but are there? Or was the buried bug a unique case? I can fish pretty well (still haven’t caught that damn tuna tho)
Also an apology to anybody who’s visited my island, this explains why the music might be so all over the place 😂😂 I just pick music for locations based off vibes of the album cover and name
Edit: The cue (instead of an audio cue) could be as simple as a tiny balloon or shooting star icon popping up, like how the nook app icon will pop up whenever you earn new miles. And a rumble function
Edit 2: u/MapleMouse24 in the comments said: ”The balloons generate at 4th and 9th minute and usually reach the beach on the 5s and 10s so I just run up and down the beach when balloon hunting at those times. The stars always come in pairs so if you can spot the first one, keep looking up and you should be able to catch the 2nd”. I knew that about stars but I’ll have to try out the balloon thing
After trying: Wow, I really never noticed that 4th and 9th timing before but it’s been consistent and I’ll definitely use this to make up for no sound.
Edit 3: To the HOH and fellow Deaf people in the comments fist bump
Another good tip from u/No_Sky_1829 although I haven’t tried it yet:
OP there's an online balloon timer that will let you know when the balloons are going to reach the beach. You just have to set the wind direction first
Find it here... https://acnh-balloon-timer.glitch.me/