I am rage
I've gotten to a point in my life that my rage is uncontrollable. Every day I step out of my house and I am forced to interact with society I become filled with pure rage and anger all day long to the point now that I might start physically reacting to it and I am not sure what to do.
I will not go to a therapist, I've been to 100s over my life and I simply cannot accept the situation. I can't accept paying someone to listen to my feelings, it's fake to me so not an option. Is there anything else I can do? I simply hate most people, I hate being around them, I hate interacting with them and if I perceive a person doing something stupid I lose my mind. I simply cannot accept the state of humanity at the moment. I have a standard on how I view others and I cannot alter it. I'm at a loss now and soon either might do something really stupid or end up ending my own life one day to avoid stroking out to my rage.
Thanks, AA