Very surprising results that do not match my family history. Results + pic
I want to introduce my ancestral background :
My father is white; he is 3/4 French from Brittany (northern Finistère, Morbihan, and Ille-et-Vilaine) and 1/4 Southeastern French (Provence) and Northern Italian (Piemonte). My Italian-French great-grandparent migrated from Guardabosone, Italy, to Saumur, France. On my Breton side, my grandpa’s mother’s tongue was Breton, a Celtic language.
My mother is Black African; she is from southern Gabon (Nyanga) and belongs to the Punu and Lumbu tribes of southern Gabon and western Congo. Also, my grandmother was born in Brazzaville, Congo.
Today, I received my results, and they show three surprising ancestral regions: Spain, Portugal, and Cameroon.
With my paternal grandfather, we researched our family tree, and my paternal grandfather doesn’t have any ancestors from Spain or Portugal at all, he is pure Breton from Finistère, according to the family tree. For my paternal grandmother, we found that she is mostly Breton from Morbihan and Ille-et-Vilaine, with some Italian background; her maiden name is Italian. I can trace my French roots back to the 1570s with several documents, such as birth certificates, baptisms, death certificates, and historical censuses. Ancestry didn’t even include Brittany or Northern Italy in my regions.
Also, I have some Cameroonian background according to the test, but the tribes in Gabon that I’m connected to never set foot in Cameroon, according to historical books. Ancestry shows some western Cameroonian tribes that I didn’t even know existed.
Is this an error from Ancestry ? Did Ancestry mistake French and Northern Italian ancestry for Spain and Portugal ? Help me, I am lost.