Has she ever honored the money back guarantee?

I purchased the program the end of December, after contemplating it for months. It cost $297 which is quite a lot imo...

I was annoyed to then discover that I had to purchase more equipment/products in order to complete the program, something she NEVER mentions prior to signing up.

I had asked prior to sign up what the time commitment was, to which I was told it was 30 mins a day.

Once I'm in, it's revealed that in order to achieve results you're required to do extra videos each day, which typically leaves the daily time commitment at 60 mins or more.

I emailed early on to say I feel I had been misled, and they ignored me.

The quality of the videos is very poor, she's literally just in pajamas in her living room or hallway, the audio is terrible and inconsistent, editing and production quality are poor. For what she is charging, these videos should be more polished. Even the videos on her Instagram are better than the ones I paid for.

In addition, all of the before and after pictures she uses are from a year or more of doing her subscription plan amd 1 hr or more a day! Yet she presents it as though the results are from the 60 day program at 30 mins a day. Very deceptive marketing.

When I emailed to say i was dissatisfied and wanted my money back, I was ignored.

I've put in a charge back on my credit card, which is annoying.

While I very much appreciate her knowledge (she definitely knows her anatomy) it's really disappointing that she uses such deceptive marketing and straight up lies to get people to sign up and then doesn't honor the money back guarantee.

Curious what others experiences woth this have been