Can't decide between a Mamiya C220 or a Yashica Mat 124g. Thoughts? Price not the issue, more image quality, build quality, etc.


Hoping for some opinions and/or experiences. I've narrowed down my camera options to the Mamiya C220 (mostly because it's lighter than the C330, but if a 330 fell into my lap I wouldn't complain except to say ouch I guess) or a Yashica Mat 124g. My photo mentor was recommending the Yashica for lightweight + good, and I was poking around, and am not having an easy time deciding.

I went onto Flickr and looked up images tagged Yashica 124g to see what folks are actually shooting...and I just don't like the "feel" of the Yashica images as much as the ones tagged Mamiya C220? I don't know if that's a fair comparison because of course it's different photographers/places, etc., but the overall... I dunno, emotional zeitgeist? of the way the Yashica images feel was They feel closer to the Kodak Brownie I already have, frankly.

I probably sound like a huge hippie, which is fine. Hoping folks can weigh in with pros-cons of those two cameras to aid in my decision-making, as I keep reading various blogs touting one or the other as the best or worst thing ever and am now needing humans to speak to me. :)