The most difficult thing about C-41 home processing is waiting to have shot 16 film rolls… (aside from the equipment needed)

Tried C-41 home development for the first time yesterday. It’s pretty easy if you have a sous-vide, a water tray, 1000ml bottles, a kitchen scale (to weigh things while mixing the chems), funnels, gloves and a development tank.

Everything turned out well to be honest. It’s not much different than B&W, apart from more chems and a different temperature control.

I use the Bellini kit, as it contains liquid chemicals, and it has a separate bleach and fix (instead of blix).

Tried C-41 home development for the first time yesterday. It’s pretty easy if you have a sous-vide, a water tray, 1000ml bottles, a kitchen scale (to weigh things while mixing the chems), funnels, gloves and a development tank.

Everything turned out well to be honest. It’s not much different than B&W, apart from more chems and a different temperature control.

I use the Bellini kit, as it contains liquid chemicals, and it has a separate bleach and fix (instead of blix).