Bad dentist - need advice
Hi all, wanted some advice from locals as I have some fear my dentists practice is taking advantage of me. I registered with dentist practice for regular check ups and cleaning. Everything was fine until they found a cavity on a tooth and they advised to get a crown on it because it had a filling in the past. It was expensive but I agreed. After a few months they found a new cavity and they advices again removing 3/4 of the tooth and replacing it with a crown for 2000 euros. I was not sure and had a check up abroad in Europe and they said it could be fixed with a filling. No need for crown added on an otherwise healthy tooth. I noticed most dentist working there are expat and all other patients there I saw are expats. They advertise on expat websites where I found them. Could it be they are taking advantage of expats by only doing expensive treatments. Should I switch? Has anyone had such experience? I do not want to give the name of the practice. I just need advice.