Apocalypse best season!!
I loved loved Apocalypse
Michael is the hot villain we needed, the kind that you're attracted to but also hate but also feel sorry for a bit
Discovering that Coco isn't horrible and that she and Mallory are besties was awesome
Jeff and Mutt were so funny, as well as the jokes about Ryan Reynolds
The return of Cordelia and the coven!! Yes!
Queenie playing cards with JPM and his "solitary it is" when she left lol
Marie Laveau's return was iconic
Madison shooting Michael and Coco stabbing him like the iconic queens they are
Cordelia stabbing herself to not give Michael the satisfaction
Misty, Nan, Queenie, Madison being all safe (I know Madison is still in hell at the end of the season but Mallory said she would bring her back too)
I only wish Cordelia was the one to alter the timeline, I know the show said only Mallory could but Cordelia is still the supreme and I wanted to see her being the most powerful witch
Also how on earth did Timothy and Emily create a new antichrist?
But beside that, great season