Very low estrogen and progesterone
Has anyone with very low estradiol been able to recover within a few months?
After years of being underweight with HA, I thought gaining 10 lbs in the past year and being weight restored would have brought my period back but it hasn't. My LH and FSH are decent now but my estradiol is <15 pg/mL and progesterone has stayed at <0.5 pg/mL every 3 months that I test.
I had successfully raised my estradiol to 54 by last March (while still exercising, just cutting back a bit) but I started doing short HIIT cardio again in the summer because I was feeling uncomfortable in my body. That alone seems to have depleted it, despite eating properly around my workouts and not losing any weight. Since getting my results 3 weeks ago I've cut exercise down to daily walking and yoga, with 1-2 light & short strength training sessions each week. I'm hoping I haven't set myself back too far in recovery.