L4 AM here. Title is subjective to site. Our senior OMs at mine are a BULLIES. They literally feel as if they can talk to us any kind of way bc they know how bad we need our jobs, especially those of us that relocated to our sites from different states. There’s no respect nor boundaries all across the board. Being scolded at over things that’s not in our control AT ALL. Stations out of work? Our fault. Trailers not on the dock? Our fault. AA’s went home for the day so rates are decreasing? Our fault. God forbid, we have to use the restroom or eat something bc we’re literally STARVING after running around like a chicken with my head cut off for 10 hours straight with 2-4 hours more to go, and here we are being harassed on Slack & on the radio & put on the spot in front of our peers for every little mistake we make. The ones that are boot lickers get a kick out of it & they’re treated the best. “Yes sir, yes madam” behavior. Wild. We’re expected to be available 25/8 & we have 5 mins or less to respond regardless of how busy I am. Not to mention, we’re always demanded to give respect when it’s never given & we get reprimanded for not showing gratitude for not being put on overtime after peak or getting fired for simple mistakes. Narcissistic much? These seniors OPs need to humble themselves bc they’re replaceable just like us L4s & below.