WIBTAH if I kicked out a loooooooong term house guest with no where to go?

Throw away account

1 year ago my wife (F50) and I (M53) took in a casual friend (M30) who was in dire straits. Our kids are out on their own with our youngest having just moved into his own apartment. So we had room.

We gave him our youngest son's room as it had a private bathroom. Our son came by to pack up the rest of his stuff and generously gave our guest some of the furniture he'd left behind. Things he'd bought himself. But he was feeling the love and really wanted to help him out.

We all did. My wife bought new bedding, towels, toiletries and some clothes. He came to us with a single duffle bag. Nothing was expensive or fancy, think Wally World.

There really wasn't an agreement put in place for the duration of his stay. But there were goals.

We allowed him to live free with us, no contributions to the household. He was to get a job, save money and in a few months we'd help him shop for a used car. After that, saving up to be able to get an apartment on his own. We figured this would take 6 - 8 months.

He did great at first. He got a job paying $15/hr right out of the gate. He was generally quiet, appreciative. For the first two weeks before his first paycheck we made sure he got to work and had a little cash for spending money.

He lost that job after 3 weeks. But found another fairly quickly for the same pay.

Then the nightmare began. Covid was in full rage. He promised he was only hanging with a group pod of 3 other people and not risking contracting Covid. We've since learned that wasn't true. He'd be out every night, bars and restaurants, no masks and taking tons of selfies with a huge group of friends.

We also found he drank away most of his paychecks and spent a lot of money on tattoos and piercing's. I have zero issues with those things, but I did have an issue with his spending. Paying no bills and bringing home ~2,000 he would routinely over draw his bank account. No saving at all.

The goal was to help him get on his feet, not live free and party.

The partying got so bad that this entire spring he routinely called into work sick as he was too drunk or hungover to go in.

He was fired late April and hasn't worked since. He's worn out his welcome with all his friends by mooching drinks, games of pool, food, rides. They are done giving.

I'm about to give him an ultimatum today, he has a month to get another job, begin to pay $500 a month to continue to live here or he's out. If he is late paying by more than ten days, he's out. (My wife and I agreed we will be putting that $500 aside for him to reach the initial goals.)

Sadly, he's a nice guy. Other than the Covid debacle he's a considerate guest in most respects. He just hasn't grown up and I've already raised my kids.

I'll be giving this ultimatum knowing full well he has NO place to go. He has no family and there's not a friend left in town who will take him in. I'm really believe I would be the asshole here because of that.