AITA for telling my daughter I didn’t marry her dad for love?

I have a seventeen year old daughter who has been kind of difficult lately. She is getting really into social issues and just doesn’t stop when I ask her to. We were having a conversation last night about relationships and I admitted that I didn’t love her father when I married him and I married him entirely for his money and she got very upset.

I always assumed she kind of knew. We have a 25 year age difference, got married after less than a year of knowing each other and she’s heard stories from family about the crazy fights we used to have. She got really mad at me which I can’t figure out because she knows how much I love him right now. She just kept saying that was terrible and I set women back.

She called me a prostitute which my husband overheard and began screaming and tried to ground her for two weeks, but I talked him out of that. Right now she is still mad at me but not mad at him for blowing up on her. My husband says I shouldn’t have told her when I knew she was going through this phase.