AITA for expecting my boyfriend to pay me back for money I lent him?

I( F24)have been with my boyfriend with six years and he is in significant credit card debt and has been trying to pay it off.

In the past six months, I have Zelled him around $700.00 whenever he asks for extra money for food after he dumps his paycheck into paying off his card.

It would be 300.00$ in one month, a few months later 200.00$ and last week another 100$. He tells me he will pay me back after he gets payed but so far he hasn't. Normally, I let it go and tell him it's fine. But In my opinion, the borrowing has gotten too frequent for me (maybe it isn't in reality). Six months pass and nothing.

I brought this to his attention and said that it's not about the money itself, its about you saying you'll pay me back but never do.

He was really hurt and disappointed in me, he said. Saying how if I were to ask him for money, he would just give it to me no problem and not expect it in return. He also said that he thought I was a person he could rely on for extra help, but now he sees that it comes with strings attached and that everyone is in it for themselves. He also said that it wasn't easy asking me for help and he hates doing it.

I am now distraught that he doesn't see me as trustful source of help when he needs it as his girlfriend anymore. I never attended to hurt or make him feel bad, I just wanted to establish a boundary about asking for money in a frequency which I thought was too much. I never even wanted the back the money, I just thought that he was uninentally might be taking advantage.

AITA for expecting my boyfriend to pay me back or should I have kept quiet and let it go?