AITA for putting my child's (10 yo) things in garbage bags because they refuse to clean their room?
For context, my child who is 10 years old, has not cleaned their room in months. They have been taught to clean it when they younger and would do it when asked. Now I do need to say that they are ADHD, but is medicated and do other chores/activities without supervision when asked. Lately, they have refused to clean their room. Their father and I have tried everything from checklists to straight up sitting in their room, even grounding, technology revocation, and bribing. They still refuse to clean it. As a last ditch effort, we threatened to "throw" everything on the floor away. They have had a week to get it done. Well, tonight I had to go in there and put everything into garbage bags and set them outside. Now, I am not actually going to throw it away, but they will have to earn it back. While doing this I also found food, dishes, and other items that are prohibited in the bedrooms in there. I am tempted to ground them on top of losing their things, but I think that may be going too far. So I guess am the a**hole for doing this to my child?