AITA For giving up on my friend?
I’ve tried for literal years to help my friend get his life together. He can’t get away from the alcohol and cigarettes. It’s like he wants a pity party everyday of his life.
I’ve spent 2 thousand dollars taking him on a vacation to try to spark a little light on him to realize what life could be like if he got it together
I’ve filled up his car, bought him groceries when he had no money. I made his resume and applied for so many jobs.
I finally got him an interview and he doesn’t go to it because of “the depression”.
Life doesn’t stop because you’re depressed. And despite almost dying, getting arrested. He can’t give up the alcohol yet refuses rehab
I’m tired of trying. I feel horrible for him because he has no family but he’s a grown man.
As God as my witness I’ve tried for years. To get him to do something with his life.
But I need to move on with own. I’m heartbroken.
Sorta a rant but oh well. AITA?