AITA for not calling my legal guardian’s husband my stepdad?
I (16f) live with my godfather as my legal guardian.
My parents were both foster kids (it’s how they met) and started dating after they aged out of foster care. They both died in a car accident when I was ten. And them both having no family that I could go too (neither of my parents had living relatives that where able to take care of me) I was taken in by my godfather because my parents had the insane oversight to write a will as newlyweds year olds and name a guardian for their (newborn at the time of writing the will) child (godparents don’t have legal rights unless named as guardian in the case parents can’t take care of kid). It was one of my those ultra rare cases where the godparent actually gets custody unlike what you see sometimes in tv shows or movies where.
My godfather is chill, I don’t call him dad I call him by his first name (But for privacy let’s call him Bob, not his real name). I think of him kinda like an uncle. He recently got married to Ham (not his husbands real name) is nice if not a little cringe and goofy, but that’s not a crime. And we get along well 99% of the time.
Ham moved in with me and Bob like six months ago, and they got married three weeks ago (got back from honey moon like six days ago). I thought that after they got back from their honey moon that there wouldn’t be any big changes considering they already lived together and like when people already live together and then get married doesn’t everything at home stay mostly the same after they get married and all the wedding excitement dies down? Like don’t routines and stuff just go back to normal?
I guess not because Yesturday (AT LIKE SIX IN THE FUCKING MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL) Ham asked to speak to me about something important (I thought it was about stealing is Imodium, it wasn’t).
He sat me down and told did this whole cheesy spiel about how he know he isn’t my real father, and then he of course could never replace my real father but he as my stepdad (not my stepdad) would be honored if I called him dad.
I told him that I am not calling him dad because he isn’t my dad, he’s not even my stepdad. He is married to a man who is my legal guardian, not my dad.
He told me that he’s still my stepdad even if I don’t want to call him dad (which he was fine with my not calling him dad). I told him he’s not my stepdad, he’s not married to one of my parents. Maybe he’s legally or functionally a step-father equivalent, but I am not and will never bestow the tittle of stepfather onto him. At this point we were getting into not a full blown argument but close enough and Bob came in and told me to go to school.
Me and Ham have not spoken since Yesturday morning and it’s creating an awkward tension in the house and now I’m wondering if I’m TAH for not acknowledging him as my pseudo- stepfather, AITA?