AITA for asking my buddy's ex who insures their child?

I (35M) have a friend, Steve (48), who accidentally got Stephanie (44) pregnant about a decade ago, and they now have a daughter, Chloe (9). I met Steve last year at a park while walking my dog, and we became friends since he lives nearby and also has a dog. Steve’s a good guy who cares deeply about his daughters (he has three adult daughters from another relationship).

Whenever I’m with Steve and Stephanie calls, she often seems ridiculous. Sometimes she calls over minor things; other times, she’s frantic, like she’s on the verge of a breakdown. She’s a helicopter parent and very possessive of Chloe. Stephanie doesn’t let Chloe visit Steve alone. The first time Steve ever took Chloe anywhere without her was recently—and only because one of his adult daughters went with them to a movie. Steve said Stephanie blew up Chloe's phone the entire time.

Steve wanted to teach Chloe to ski, but Stephanie told him it wasn’t appropriate for a 9-year-old and that he needed to find a better activity. Every idea Steve has for activities gets shut down with an excuse. Despite this, Stephanie often makes passive-aggressive comments like, “Come over here and be a dad,” even though Steve gives her at least $250 a month (voluntarily, no court order) and spends multiple evenings a week at her place to be with Chloe as that's Stephanie's idea of visitation. She makes it seem like he isn't a good father or something when it is she that doesn't really let Chloe hang out with friends, she that bought Chloe a smartphone due to her incessant need to always be able to contact her, she who isolates Chloe from Steve's side of the family and she who is always worrying about making rent, yet only has a part-time job and spends money that should be going towards other things on weed. When Steve brought up to Stephanie that he thought that 9 is way too young to have a smartphone, his concerns were all ignored. When he brought up that he doesn't like Chloe being around her when she is smoking weed due to secondhand smoke, the issue was disregarded.

Recently, Stephanie moved, and I helped Steve while she mostly stood around watching. Her place looked like it was recently featured on Hoarders. That day, Stephanie took Chloe to the ER for the flu as "Urgentcare won't see her without insurance". Later, I told Steve about the Affordable Care Act and how he could get insurance for himself and Chloe. The next day, Steve asked Stephanie for Chloe’s social security number to enroll her, and Stephanie freaked out, saying, "I don't even give Chloe's SSN to the state!" She claimed Chloe was already insured and when asked by Steve who the insurer was, she mumbled something vague. I directly asked, “Who is she insured through then?” and Stephanie snapped, yelling, “WE ARE HER PARENTS!”

When we left, Steve said, “See what I’m dealing with? How she snapped at you?” I replied that she had a point—it’s not really my business.

What do you think? Was I an asshole for asking who insures her child?

EDIT: I wanted to add that I have already advised him to get an attorney. He mentioned once that his brother is in huge debt over attorney fees to get time with his own daughter. I let him know that many attorneys will work with you and let you pay in monthly installments and he was very receptive. I was going to include that in the original post but was limited to 3000 characters. Why he hasn't done this already? I don't know, I mean I certainly would have long ago. Also that about $250 is in addition to him paying a big portion of her rent every month.

SECOND EDIT: Wanted to add that I agree that my buddy should have taken care of this sooner. He stopped smoking weed shortly after I met him and has gotten and new job and is getting his life together, but Stephanie has made not made it easy for him to be a good dad by alienating Chloe from him and his side of the family. Her need for control is so great that she won't allow Steve to spend time with the child alone, and she wouldn't give the SSN to Steve because she perceives it as getting one over on her. When Steve asked her for the SSN so he could insure Chloe at no cost to her she should be happy to oblige, not adversarial. She isn't working at co-parenting and he clearly is. As far as child support what more should he be doing? He already pays a big portion of the rent and whenever she calls him for money, he never says no or doesn't give her money when she asks so I'm not sure what more he should be doing.