AITA: bus stop parents are using our private drive as a playground
I live on a private drive containing three homes and have been dealing with parents and their children issues for over the past 3 years. Many of the issues deal with the children using the private drive as a playground and trespassing into my property, neighbors properties, and the parents allowing this behavior.
Parents and children also block access to the private drive daily on school days in the mornings and afternoons when I am typically leaving and returning for work. It can sometimes take a few minutes for the parents and waiting children to move in order for me to enter and exit my property. Parents and children (over 12 parents and around 25 children) also typically spend 30 minutes or over an hour (more of a problem in the afternoon) using the private drive as a playground. Which I find concerning since myself and neighbors are legally responsible for the private drive and worry about possible accidents or injuries.
Also, in years past we’ve had multiple problems with the children using our garage door as a football and soccer goal but seemed to have worked those issues out with the parents in past years. Another issue is the end of the year massive water balloon party that the parents throw for the children…
I’ve tried talking with parents a few times over the years about not using the private drive as a standing point and playground but have been mostly ignored. Again I tried talking to parents yesterday and was told that "I was ruining their children's childhoods" by asking that they not use the private drive as a playground and they will continue to do as they please.
Earlier in the week I reached out to the bus coordinator and they have moved the pickup and drop off further back but this has not fixed any of the issues. I reached out by email to school’s principal this morning. I don’t want to involve local law enforcement but after yesterday's interaction with the parents and if it continues this afternoon I will strongly be considering it. Curious to see if I’m the asshole here and what people think I should do.
Gates and signs are prohibited by our HOA.
Updates: * Contacted local county representatives and received a response that they will investigate.
The elementary school principal replied this afternoon that this issue is beyond her authority and that I exercise my rights as a home owner.
Local sheriff’s department agrees that the best course of action is to call the police non-emergency number.
School board representative has been emailed.
School bus stop coordinator contacted me that they will move the bus stop. It will take a few days to implement and find the best stop. And to notify all the parents.
Update as of 9/3/24:
Well between 7 and 10 parents greeted me to today with middle finger waving and stopping my car yell at me about the bus stop being moved tomorrow. I did have some back n forth and cussed back a bit. I told them this was their verbal warning for trespassing. The parents told me that they will be back everyday to have their kids play in the private drive until the police haul them off. My wife also went out and talked to the parents and was also cussed and yelled at. She was a much cooler head than I was. We talked to both neighbors about the on going problem tonight and they were on our side of not allowing the private drive to be a playground. If one of us don’t approve then all of us don’t approve was said by one of our neighbors. The other neighbor complained about the kids getting into their garage and making them leave. Both shared concerns over liability. We can non-emergency police again to today and filed a report. Officers noticed on their way over the same parents were out down the street with their kids and said they’d again talk to the parents. Guess I’m about to find out if I need to press trespassing on these entitled parents tomorrow.