AITA for kicking my manager's boyfriend out of her office?

I've (23m) been leasing manager of an apartment complex for over 3 years. The order of hierarchy in our office is Community Manager, then Assistant Community Manager, then Leasing Manager. Even though I'm the lowest ranking manager, I've been here way longer than anyone else who works here, and I pretty much run the show, even though I'm not getting paid for it.

The Community Manager (26f) is intending on leaving soon, and there's been talk of higher-ups wanting me to take on the role. If you're not familiar with the apartment leasing industry, higher-ups and HR can be pretty hands-off most of the time, so the CM basically handles everything by themselves.

Our Assistant Community Manager quit a month or two ago, and her sister, Jane (27f), was offered her position despite having no prior experience in this industry. She does the job, but she's been problematic, to say the least. Jane frequently comes to work high, takes 2.5 hour lunch breaks, and leaves for the day at like 2pm. She's full-time, yet works about 2-3 days per week and otherwise claims to be "working from home" or "sick." Everyone knows that's bs. Once, when she called in sick, an employee saw her smoking weed on her balcony. My CM can even see that she doesn't sign in when she claims to be "working from home." The worst part is that she gets away with all of it!

I complain about Jane's behavior all the time, but I guess my CM thinks that I'm just gossiping rather than actually formally complaining. She's a major people pleaser, a pushover, and way too non-confrontational. I literally had to beg her to write Jane up.

Jane's boyfriend has been bringing her breakfast lately. He stays for hours. I've brought it up to my manager, and as expected, she's done nothing about it. The other day, I mentioned it to my manager, and when I left and came back with Starbucks, he was still in her office. I told my manager that I was going to kick him out, and she didn't stop me. I knocked on Jane's door, and while trying to be nice, I said, "Hey, for future reference, if your guest wants to bring you coffee and stay for about 30 minutes, that's totally fine. Anything over 30 minutes is just a little too long." She said ok, and I went back to work. After 30 minutes, he left, then Jane came to me and started going off on me! She said that I should've waited for her guest to leave, or that I should've texted her. I told her that I needed him to leave a long time ago. She said that she feels like she doesn't have to take orders from me. Before I could say anything I'd regret, I took her to my CM and told her what was said. I then walked out and went home for the day because Jane had triggered my CPTSD.

After talking to my therapist, I do think that I shouldn't have said anything in front of her boyfriend. I personally would've fired Jane a long time ago, and I'm currently looking for another job because I have a feeling that I'm going to be stuck with her. I think it's so unfair, but regardless, WITA?