BF gives unsolicited criticism to my art and I tell him to leave

My BF and I have our work computers next to each other in our office studio. I am working on editing some new still-life photography I was exploring for fun. I look over at him, we make eye contact so I smile, he takes this as an invitation to come over and look at what I'm working on. He proceeds to tell me my photos are beautiful but he doesn't like them and he prefers my photoshoot style of a previous project with a totally different subject from years ago. I tell him the subjects are different with different forms, colors, and finishes and I was exploring something different. He then proceeds to tell me why he prefers the other style way more and begins point things out in my new images telling me the things he doesn't like, such as the drapery and asking what fruits I'm using etc. At this point I start to get mad and I tell him "thank you for your feedback, you can leave now." He gets upset at ME saying I should be able to take negative criticism. I tell him his criticism was unsolicited and I didn't ask for his opinion. He goes back to his desk and apologizes but stays firm in his idea that partners should be able to give advice to each other at anytime. I disagree. He begins saying that I sometimes give negative criticisms about his work and he'll take it and move on. I correct him by saying, he always first asks for my opinion before I critique his work. He apologizes again and restates how feedback is how artists grow. At this point I'm mad with a fire in my heart, so I give him a blank stare and resume editing my photos.
Am I the jerk? Do I even have a right to be feeling so mad right now?