
Hi im seirra I'm 23 female. So I wanted to come on here and see what ppl say about my story. So the last couple year during holiday season me and my mom's family have a big Christmas and every year I feel like I get push away by my cousins for no reason we are in big age gap there are 9 of us aging from 35 to 23 im the youngest. But every year my cousins always stick together taking pictures talking and laughing while I'm left out sitting doing nothing I always feel like im not wanted and when I do try to talk them it's a short conversation. this year has been even worse we just had Thanksgiving and we where discussing Christmas me and my bf travle for work so we live the farthest away from anyone and we where trying to plan it around when we would be back we pick the 30th of December and my cousin are throwing a hug fit because they won't be able to make it even tho I tryed to talk to them about and it didn't work so my aunts and my mother made the decision that it would be that day and all I've got is back lash we'll my bf works that day or we won't be able to make it because we had plan for new years. And to explain me and bf are only going to be home from Dec 22 to January 1 so we don't have much time. But back to the what I was saying we don't have a hug gap where we can push it I just don't know what to do anymore I feel like I can't even be emcomeda when we'll be back in town. Am I the bad apple for making are Christmas on the 30th because I tryed to accommodate for everyone but I don't know I just feel like im not cared by them and it always has to be about them and there own times. And thus is the frist year I've ever asked if Christmas could work around my schedule.