AIO: Little brother (25) is in his 7th year of community college in NYC and expects his single dad to pay his bills indefinitely, plus possibly private school tuition, in spite of dad not being rich and having stage 4 prostate cancer

I apologize in advance for the clusterfuck that is this conversation.

Context: my little brother is in his seventh year of community college (I know, I didn’t even know that was possible until now), living in Manhattan the last five years because he loves NYC, our dad has been paying his rent, tuition, and expenses the entire time. Our dad is NOT rich, just a manager at AT&T. He lives five minutes away from Rutgers. He was also diagnosed last year with Stage 4 prostate cancer and expressed to me that he wants to retire soon. Dad also shared that he has been stressed about finances lately, and that he wishes that my little brother was more respectful and considerate when it comes to money. Little brother is on a total delusional trip, applying to Columbia General Studies to transfer, which happens to offer the least amount of financial aid possible (slim to none). I try to explain how it’s important for him to just GRADUATE from undergrad period, and to not expect dad to pay his student loans. He has already defaulted on $25k on a CC, and didn’t tell our dad—the collections people did. I think my brother has a huge chip on his shoulder from not having a degree this long, and he is trying to make up for it by transferring to an Ivy League program that does not have significant financial aid. Our dad told me that anytime he’s asked little brother what his timeline is for graduating, he just talks around the question and avoids answering. Based on the fact that little brother just shared that he applied to early decision for Columbia GS, he has AT LEAST three more years to go. His sense of entitlement is off the fucking charts and I am in total shock that he cares so little about our father and his ability to retire. Dad says he agrees with me but doesn’t want to quash brother’s dreams because for the first time ever he actually cares about academics. Am I overreacting????

TLDR; Little brother (25) is in his seventh year of community college, his fifth or sixth of our dad paying his rent because he loves NYC and insists on living there. Dad is not rich and was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer last year. Little brother applied to transfer to Columbia General Studies for what is essentially an underwater basket weaving degree. They do NOT offer significant financial aid according to my research and sources. Brother doesn’t care about dad being able to retire and will not consider more affordable options. AIO?