AIO to my friend’s boyfriend sending me insta DMs?

So I met my friend and her boyfriend about 1.5 years ago. i moved away from the town i met them in and ended up staying with them for a weekend in January. i was also going through a breakup and some other life stuff. anywho, we started talking about relationships and stuff and her boyfriend proposed we all “hangout after midnight,” if you catch my drift. i was totally caught off guard, but one thing led to another and we all got freaky. that’s its own thing, but since then, her bf has been sending me DMs on insta. they’re innocent .. but in my mind, they’re “innocent” if it had happened BEFORE that night. he’s been DMing me since january, but never before that. i should also point out i was friends with the gf first, and still am. there’s no weirdness or anything in the friendship, but i just feel weird when i see him in my DMs. i haven’t said anything to her bc i really don’t know what to say, if there’s even anything to say at all. the timing is just weird to me. and he’s still sending them, just memes and stuff. am i overreacting or should i say something to my friend ? i hope this makes sense 😂