Am I overreacting about my parents not letting me stay at a girlfriends house?

Hello I was hoping to find a subreddit more along the lines of "am I valid" but I think this one can serve a similar purpose. So from the title I'm sure you have made an opinion already and that's understandable. I'm a 20 year old man however the times I've tried to stay at my friend's house was scattered throughout my teens years. I also think it's important to mention that I'm gay. I am a gay man asking to stay at a girl's house. I assumed that after I came out then they'd be more lenient about it but they werent.

All of that is whatever like it's not anything that crowds my mind, however I have noticed that my brother (22) has had his girlfriend at our house over night for almost 5 days in a row. I knew she was staying here but I hadn't rlly thought Abt how I was always told I couldn't stay at a girl's house and it just rlly upset me. All my life we have had weird dynamics in this family and we've never been that close but I can't fathom the thought process of not being ok with ur GAY son spending the night at a girl's house but they're ok with my brother bringing his gf over every night. and tell me if I'm wrong with what I'm Abt to say but I 100% believe that a straight man has a bigger chance of getting a girl pregnant than a gay man does. So I texted my parents and they didn't rlly give any good explanation for it so I told them that I will not ask next time I want to stay at my girl friend's house I will just do it. Depending who you are, you might see my actions as bratty or bitchy but I am so sick of feeling like I'm being treated differently than my brothers. I'm not trying to be bitchy but if that's what I have to be to get my side of the story heard then that's what I will be. I'll be the best bitch you'll ever meet.