AIO - Want to go to HR because a Pregnant Lady keeps complaining about how I smell
Hello all. I (F24) work in customer service in an office, we sell various office supplies for what it’s worth. My office is scent free and I’m relatively new, I started in September of 2024. I actually really love my job and my coworkers except this one lady.
We will call her Nicole, she’s probably 40-ish and is pregnant. Now for what it’s worth, I worked in a donut shop until mid December of last year for some extra money while also working in my full time job. At first she kept saying I smelt like sugar and baked goods which I never took offence to, I worked with donuts on the weekends, it made sense. Once I accidentally spilt fruit juice all over myself and I guess the scent permeated my coat because when I went to work the following Monday (I worked Sat-Sun at the donut shop), everyone was noticing it smelt like orange juice. Obviously I showered when I got home from the donut shop and I didn’t wear the same clothes to my full time job but it was really my coat that smelt like fruit. The donut shop was pretty small so I’m not surprised my coat smelt like fruit as that was the only thing I didn’t wash.
I was told to try to avoid wearing clothes that were worn to the donut shop as the scents were quite strong. I agreed to this and a few months later, the donut shop actually closed down. I only work selling office furniture now and I haven’t even stepped foot in a bakery since Christmas time.
The other day, Nicole complained that I smelt too sugary, nobody else could smell it. My boss said just try not to go near her, so I avoided her all day. I take my lunch at a separate time than her and I even walk the long way to the bathroom so I don’t have to walk by her desk.
Nicole’s wife, we will call her Jane also works with me and she’s super nice to me, we get along well. Jane wife has never said I smelt strong but sometimes when I’m talking to Jane, Nicole will shoot me dirty looks. Jane and I work in the same department. Also for what it’s worth, I have a boyfriend and am not into women, not that I’d date someone from my workplace, but I don’t think it’s a jealousy thing?
Yesterday I had to personally give a customer’s request to Nicole as it was a big order for tons of items. She once again told my boss I smell incredibly sweet and it’s making her nauseous. My boss again told me to try to avoid Nicole. Then later HR pulled me aside to remind me we are a scent free workplace, but in the middle of the chat, the HR rep told me she could not smell anything on me.
It seems like Nicole is targeting me for one reason or another and she’s using the scent thing as an excuse to get rid of me? It seems really weird that she’s the only person that can smell me and she complains to HR (now twice apparently) that I smell too sweet.
I don’t even use heavily scented body wash in the shower, I just get whatever’s on sale at Walmart. The shampoo I use is Maui Moisture’s curly hair one, it does smell like coconut but I only wash my hair once a week (on Friday nights) as I have curly hair and I don’t wanna dry it out.
I don’t want to snitch but I also don’t want to lose my job for smelling good. Thanks in advance!
EDIT TO ADD: I am not diabetic, I was checked in February this year, as well as they did a whole blood work up.
I went to the dentist in December ish of last year, no cavities, no pre-cavities, nothing of concern!
My sister is a nurse and we use the same shampoo and conditioner. Her hospital is scent free and nobody has ever complained to her about the scent of her hair. Nobody else has ever complained about me smelling like anything and it’s always just I smell sweet or like baked goods, never specifically coconut.
Money is tight for my family right now, and due to family reasons I can’t switch the laundry detergent. I also no longer wear deodorant to work as I can’t find a reasonably priced one that doesn’t make me itchy (I have sensitive skin). If anything, I probably smell a lot worse than I did when I worked at the donut shop, I also feel a lot grosser. But this job pays me better than any job I’ve had before & my family can’t afford me to lose this job or leave.
EDIT NUMBER 2: everyone I did wash the coat. I worked at the donut shop til 1am. I have to be at my office job at 8am. My mom has continuation OCD and I’m not allowed to use the washer or dryer because of that. I did not want to wake her up at 1am to wash my coat.
The fruit juice NEVER got directly on my coat. I spilt it on my chef coat & pants. Those got left at the donut shop as they washed all our uniforms. The prep room was rather small, the donut shop was run out of an old converted house. The coat was in the room but didn’t come in contact with the fruit juice.