AIO-I left a date because the guy I was with chased and caught a mouse at the restaurant

I went out with a guy tonight to a local pub with an outdoor seating area. We sat at the table closest to the door leading outside, which was propped open, because finally, after an extremely long winter, our weather has gotten nice.

We ordered and grabbed the table, and while we were waiting for our food, he noticed a small mouse by my foot. He wanted me to stomp on it, which I was unwilling to do because I didn’t want to make a scene about a mouse in the restaurant, which I expressed to him. He then got up from the table, and tracked this mouse along the wall, then across the width of the restaurant, before finally picking it up and putting it outside. As he stood up, I said, “Please don’t do this, “ because I knew there was no way for him to capture this mouse without creating a scene, and I was correct. By the time he had put it outside, everyone in the place had noticed what he was doing, and that there was a mouse inside.

Also, dude was in the bathroom washing his hands for less than fifteen seconds, which is another concern in and of itself, especially since we had ordered finger food.

Once he sat down, I was really not interested in conversation, and in the end, I ended the date and left.

Did I overreact?