AIO: Trying to get through to my ex-wife why our children should wear helmets?

My ex-wife is the custodial parent of our two boys, 9 and 11. They ride bicycles around their neighborhood and my ex’s gf takes them around on their ATV.

They don’t wear helmets at their mom’s house while riding the bicycles or the ATV. I’ve bought bicycle helmets for both of them to keep at their mom’s house as well as helmets for the ATV.

I’ve tried telling my oldest that he should make sure that he and his little brother wear the helmets, but since their mom doesn’t “believe” in helmets as we grew up just fine without them, she often doesn’t LET them wear them because “Dad has no say-so here”

I sent her a video of a teenager telling his story about a brain bleed he got from a skateboard fall to try to make it more real for her.

This was the resulting conversation. Am I overreacting? Should I step back? I just want them to be safe.

Her “strapping in” comment, I can only assume is hyperbole, like using a 5-point harness as we ALWAYS use seatbelts, even in parking lots.

We DO play video games, but in controlled spurts. I’ve never been an iPad babysitter type and am pretty strict with their screen time, so in my opinion, those remarks are unfounded as well.

Also, we always wear proper PPE while shooting airsoft guns and even wear safety glasses for nerf battles.