AIO when a family friend mechanic screwed me over?

I was planning on moving from Indiana to Florida in September. I sent my 1984 F150 (reliable condition, she was my main daily vehicle, driving close to an hour a day with little to no maintenance issues) to get an oil change with a friend of my parents who rebuilds old vehicles and owns a small mechanic workshop in rural Indiana. We were told the truck was ready, and I was able to come pick it up. My mom (name blurred in screen shot) and I drove to go get her. Said family friend was not at the shop when we got there, but we were told the keys were under the seat and she was ready. When I started her up I noticed she had sounded different. I had assumed she was “tuned up” and running better now, and I was exited. She also had started up right away without me needing to pump the gas, so that supported my assumption. She made it maybe 6 minutes down the road before she completely stalled out and I had to push her to the side of the road. We called the mechanic and he came back with his tow truck. He looked at the motor, checked the oil, and told us there wasn’t any oil in the vehicle at all. He said he’d tow the truck back to the shop to take a look, then let us know what happened. I was supposed to leave for Florida the very next morning. We got a call later that night that the engine was completely totaled. I sobbed. (I have a strong attachment for my truck). We went back and forth with him for about a week over the different options. First it was a brand new motor covered by insurance, then a used motor, and finally he told us that he could rebuild it or buy her from us. I chose the rebuild. We were told 8-10 weeks. I got my truck back yesterday.

Am I overreacting? I don’t even know what to do moving forward. Do I send the big long text? Is that too much? Am I in the wrong somehow?