AIO My daughter’s now ex-boyfriend sent this to her while they were still a couple, but it wasn’t his words?
My daughter (16 F) spent 4 months with this boy (17 M) and at the beginning he was amazing, holding her purse without being asked, opening doors, the sidewalk rule, you name it, he did it. Then they started having troubles. They talked daily, and he told her about his traumatic upbringing. She drove an hour to go spend time with him, and sometimes an hour and a half more than that to bring him to his grandma’s so he could see her, and then two and a half hours back home. Then he started getting controlling. He sent her the above message ending in “That’s why I’m dry”, and then she found an identical post, which was not his, the day after she broke up with him. He altered it a bit, but copied and pasted the rest. Am I wrong in thinking that he was trying to make her feel bad so that she would stay with him?