AIO over my friend putting her new girl crush over me
so I became friends with this girl ( let's call her S) when she already had few friends with people whom I knew. I was new so at first she kind of said things about me that she kept me as like a backup friend. I was a great supporter and a friend, some people out of jealousy nd hate used to call S whore , even her old friend and I took her side at that moment. She was a people pleasure. I gave second chance to our friendship and it was the best. She struggled alot with her mental health but at last she was a good person at heart. also she hid from me the fact that she is bisexual just because I had hocd which is still do but later came out and I made the adjustment because of our friendship. Everything was great...supported her in her down , never disrespected her , told her to create boundary and not tolerate any bullshit
everything was fine until..we became friends with 3 best and loyal girls I have ever met. They are great but my bestfriend S grew a crush on one of the girl friends we have. Because I was her bsf so she told me as she started feeling things. And now we just have been with these girls for 2 - 3 months but now S is doing things like agreeing to everything her "girl crush" says even if they end up hurting me. And her girl crush doesn't know abt that.
I jockingly called her bisexual in front of her girl crush (nothing serious we all had fun and light conversation that time) . and well yes she is a proud bisexual she doesn't feel shame or don't like being called that but at that time she made a fuss out of me just because she doesn't want her girl crush (she is straight) to think low or bad about her and leave her friendship and ends up hurting me soo badly ignored me and all. I let that go because I thought maybe she felt insecure it's okay but mind me these girl are new friends and me and S were bsfs.
now, recently she again did something that hurt and triggered me all because her "girl crush" said so. There is only 1 year for senior highschool to end and I dont wanna end up alone but at the same time I dont know what to do about this.
(Her girl crush is a really good and close friend of mine also, she is a wonderful person absolutely love her but she doesn't know much abt my past as S do. So, mistakes happen understandable from her side but S, she knows. And I also think she doesn't care much abt breaking friendship with me than her "girl crush")
and now I have told her secret to her girl crush , who is also my bestie about S having a crush on her because I thought she needed that to know without that she wont understand why I am in fight with S and now I'm in a dilemma.
I don't know what to do please if any advice possible please provide