AIO? I got upset my boyfriends friend sent him pictures of her dildos

Hey all, long time lurker first time poster. I feel like i’ve been going crazy with this situation and been wanting some outside perspective on this. Sorry for any mistakes or formatting, i’m on mobile.

For background, my (F24) boyfriend (M27) and I have been together for close to two years coming up next January. We have a very normal relationship as far as i’m concerned, having been friends for a few years before dating we were able to get comfortable with each other pretty quickly. He did tell me he had quite a few female friends, and i had no problem considering i had a few guy friends as well.

Now I know he would never cheat either, we both have been in relationships where we have been cheated on (by other people of course). We both know how it feels, and i trust him 100%.

The other day we were in the car as he was dropping me off at work. His car has a screen so i could see any texts he was receiving. A text came up from a girls name i didn’t recognize, I didn’t say/ask about her but he explained how they were friends and who she was.

After the explanation he brought up the fact that she has sent him pictures or her dildos before. I honestly don’t recall if he mentioned how recently the pictures were sent, my mistake for not asking. I just said ‘Oh’ and he continued to explain how it was ‘funny’ and they would joke about ‘how they fit inside her since she’s such a tiny thing’.

I won’t lie, i got really upset after hearing that. I told him it wasn’t cool of her to send those types of things, and that i didn’t really appreciate it. He started getting defensive saying, ‘that’s just how she is, she’s a very open person’. I told him that it didn’t matter and i was still uncomfortable about it, so he just shut down and refused to continue talking about it.

Since then we’ve texted and I haven’t brought it up again, i feel like i was slightly over reacting at first. I did talk to a friend, and plan on speaking to another. But so far my reaction seems to be completely valid. I still have this fear in the back of my head that i’m being crazy and i need to stop dwelling on it. I do plan on talking to him about it too it just helps me gather my thoughts getting outside perspectives. Again sorry for any spelling mistakes, but AIO?