Holiday Gift Ideas?

TLDR: what are y’all getting your loved ones for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza? I have no ideas 😓

Long story short, my stepmom has undiagnosed dementia/Alzheimer’s, she refuses to do anything related to her brain for a diagnosis or treatment (and it honestly makes my dad & sister’s life a nightmare, but she couldn’t care less, even if she didn’t have this). She is still somewhat aware and capable, she assumes she has dementia, but has never followed up on anything for an official diagnosis. She has issues with time, dates, repeats the same stories over and over, she fixates on things that are out of place and will continue to try and reconcile the object until it has a place. If there is a break from the normal routine, it will throw her off and she will be confused until the routine resumes

My family went on a cruise in July of this year, as this was something she enjoyed pre-brain issues, and it was awful. She didn’t have any interest in ANYTHING. I guess in the past, she did all of the activities & shows, but she would say no to everything this time around.

As I begin to prepare for Christmas, I realize that anything I would have gotten her in the past, she would have no interest in now. 😓

So I was wondering what ideas y’all have given in the past, or are planning on this year so that I can get inspired. Looking at items specifically designed for Alzheimer’s/dementia, she’s not at that place to need a sensory item yet. Maybe our comments will help each other out this upcoming season or at future birthdays. 😅