Which one to keep??

Hi all, So I posted a post two weeks ago about a RFN ( Ruffoni) copper core 5qt chef pan. I got another all clad 6qt copper core essential pan delivered today and I can’t make up my mind for which one to keep. I need a 5qt or larger chef pan. So either of these would work with me. However, here is what I am concerned.

If you look at the all clad lid, it’s not even close to seal with the pan. There is a huge gap! I owned several all clad and this is the only one with a large gap. ( smaller gap is acceptable to me). Second, the copper layer is thin! I weighted the all clad 6qt without the lid, it’s 5.8 lb. The ruffoni 5qt one is 5.7 lb without lid. You can tell by looking at the copper layer, RFN is thicker. Will the thickness of the copper layer affect the heat performance? Also, comparing both of the pans, apprently, the build of the quality, RFN is better.

So here is what tore me up. I love all clad and want the all clad all the way. But, the quality and beauty of RFN caught my heart now. I can’t decide!
Please help! Let me know what you think. I can only keep one! I got them the same price by the way. Thank you in advance.