We’re baaaacckkk….
As I suspected all along, there were no lawyers or legal threats that shut this place down - it was just bad moderating. :p We're happy to be back and hope to start off again on a clean slate.
Please remember we are a SNARK page - this is not a HATE page. While we allow differing opinions, excessive fangirling is not allowed. Avoid comments/posts that compare your personal experiences to theirs. Subreddit rules are in place for a reason and we ask the members to help out and report any rule violations.
There will be limitations put in place in the subreddit in order to keep the subreddit from becoming unhinged again. In addition to the posted subreddit rules, members must meet karma requirements in order to participate in the group.
To participate in r/AlixEarleSnark you must have 250 combined Reddit karma + a Reddit account age of 30 days.
This is done in order to combat the trolls/fans that infiltrate the sub. No Exceptions will be made. These requirements may change overtime depending on the state of the subreddit.
We’re lucky to get a second chance at getting this sub back - so let’s not f*ck it up again mmkay?