My top 5 favorites. What are yours?

If you had to pick, what are your top 5 AIC songs? All eras/live tracks included.

This was insanely hard for me to narrow down; Jar of Flies, Sap, & the Unplugged albums are three of my all time favorites. Down in a Hole Unplugged is an absolute standout.

Honorable mentions: Would? at Unplugged and God Am.

Would love to know everyone else’s.

If you had to pick, what are your top 5 AIC songs? All eras/live tracks included.

This was insanely hard for me to narrow down; Jar of Flies, Sap, & the Unplugged albums are three of my all time favorites. Down in a Hole Unplugged is an absolute standout.

Honorable mentions: Would? at Unplugged and God Am.

Would love to know everyone else’s.