Football weekly wrap up

This is more a discussion if anything but I'm sitting here on Sunday morning after a busy Friday and Saturday thinking about all the games that occured the last few days and got be thinking.

Happy for constructive criticism, but imagine a Sunday morning wrap up and what's coming up, thinking of a YouTube channel that is recorded Sunday morning, giving updates of all the games that occured from aleagues to npl, I guess what I'm really asking here is that I have an aleague IG that has over 8k followers but I'm no longer interested in it and haven't really been active on it anymore. Thinking of using it to promote this YouTube channel, have this particular YouTube channel on Sunday mornings, doesn't necessarily need to cover every football game in Australia but obviously all the aleague games both men and women and some of the big npl games like we saw last week.

The only problem I can think of that I may have issues with is putting the actual highlights from the aleagues YouTube channel, unless I remove the sound or would that still cause a copyright issue?

Thinking of the name weeklyausfootball wrapup

I don't have the voice for it, so I'd definitely try get a few people involved covering all the games, could have a segment as well of some fan sent footage of some games over the weekend, also even some players coming on the show, I've got a few players following the current page and also some mates brothers play in the league both aleague and npl.. open to thoughts, pros cons?

Admin please let me know if this isn't allowed to be posted, I tried to find a way to inbox you first before I posted it