Another weaksauce storm in Albany.. Winter is a bitch round here
Snow to the north, Snow to the south.. Snow to the east and west.. Albany gets another pussed out Sugar coating. This is the shittiest winter ever.. So Fucking cold. and always only enough snow to be annoying.
I don't even want to hear shit about Climate Change.. this ain't about that . This about how Albany is just in this weird geographic void hole on the east coast where we get all of the misery but none of the majesty of Winter.. every year without fail.
EDIT let me be clear. This is not about your weather if you're not from the city of Albany. I don't care about you. You're irrelevant to the conversation. If you are from cobleskill, Saratoga, glens falls, or any place with a name other than Albany please move on. This is for people in the city of Albany who live in the city of Albany and only people who live in the city Albany.
That said, if it wasn't clear, I am a strong appreciator of a really good snowstorm. 12 in 20 inches. I love big snowstorms. I love blizzards. I stop and stare when there's a random squall. Call or a romantic notion or the last remaining part of my childhood wonderment. I can't help it I always have. Snow fascinates me. It's magical. Something where it snows all day and turns the landscape into a contour of smooth white shapes. I think that is the most amazing phenomenon. And every time we get promised something like that it doesn't happen. And I'm sure that there are people who are thankful for the fact that it doesn't. And I completely understand why because it's a pain in the ass. But it's also amazing. It's one of the best things about winter is that you can have this thing that happens that just disrupts the mechanisms of life that we're trapped within. Sometimes I just like to be reminded that we live in a universe where I'm a small insignificant piece. The weather is one of the best ways to remind me that I don't have control over the world around me even though I think that I do. I value that.
By the way just so we're clear I love the downvotes in here. There's nothing that makes me happier than getting downvoted to oblivion in /r/Albany , getting downvoted over my opinion on the weather is even funnier. I laugh and laugh.