Owning an ageing Alaskan Malamute (soon-to-be-10, F), I have a few questions for Alaskan Malamutes' owners/former owners... (lifespan, ageing...)

Hello there! My Alaskan Malamute soul sister will turn 10 in January 2024 (I adopted her from a shelter when she was already 6 and 1/2 y.o.). She's considered a "senior dog" now and recently, her hip appeared to be really painful whenever she would get up or sit or lay down - I took her to the vet and now she's doing absolutely great! But I know these episodes will probably happen again in the (nearby?) future, maybe intensify, as she grows older - it is probably the beginning of arthritis, unfortunately. It made me so sad to see she was in pain and I felt powerless. It definitely made me really aware of her age and I feel a bit scared about what to expect from the future. So far, we are still enjoying our walks, she has energy, she still likes to run, she's still able to jump and she still likes to play with tennis balls...

So, I have some questions for Alaskan Malamutes' owners/former owners, regarding life expectancy, coping with old age, possible health issues...:

For those whose Malamute buddies died of old age/natural causes (I'm very sorry for your losses ❤️‍🩹), how old were they?

When did you notice the first signs of old age in your Malamute (what are/were they)?

How do/did you adapt your routine with your ageing Malamute?

Of course, feel free to answer the questions you feel the most comfortable answering.

Thank you so much for your feedback and answers 💝