Admin Workers are Just Bad At Their Jobs/Lazy
I have worked in many positions in the Air Force and always heard things like “They are undermanned, They are overworked, Etc. Etc.
Truth is, it’s bullshit. I’ve worked with these people and they are genuinely just lazy. Not the kind of lazy that processes 5 documents a day instead of the possible 60-70, Im talking the kind of lazy that processes maybe 1 and then talks to their friends with their phone on mute.
What’s even more hilarious is their bar for awards, it’s basically “did you do your job most days?” and that’s simply because DOING THEIR JOB IS THE EXCEPTION.
I have had to go to MPF and explain what their processes are and show them their AFI and guidance on incredibly basic things. Which is even more asinine considering no other unit on base closes more for training than the MPF.
They have no pride in their work because even if they do nothing, the hammer never falls but simultaneously feel incredibly offended if you say that they aren’t “mission essential”
But most frustrating of all is the fact they are slowly removing any way to talk in person or even over the phone, leaving only emails they know they will never have to respond to. Need PCS orders? “EmAiL oUr OrG bOx” Issues with Reenlistment/Separation? “EmAiL oUr OrG bOx” They messed up your records? You guessed it! “EmAiL oUr OrG bOx”
To sum this all up, i’m sure there are bases where the MPF is swamped, but I guarantee you they are working at 20% efficiency and like most places 1 person is breaking their backs trying to keep the whole thing afloat. But this organization needs some serious work because right now it’s damn near worthless.