7 games today, 3 of them people left the game before minute 6

i just played 3 games today where one player was afk we didnt realize that until minute 10, and the other 2 games players left the game without reason at minute 6, all ranked games. I cannot even report the player afk because it doesnt appear in the last played matches people. I love the game, but it sucks to waste 20 minutes just wanting to play a game without afkers. I've been afk too some games because i didnt realize the game was found, the sound of match found is not so hard as in league of legends for example that interrupts anything you are doing, even when the match starts the sounds are there, retold is very silent, many people afk and without penalty.

the worst of all is that a teamate was being attacked and he was asking me for help, then i lef the game because i realized we were playing with a guy afk 10 minutes and the guy started to insult me.

great game, but devs seems to dont care about this, i already reported all this

what would you do to solve this? or you would just keep playing like this all the time?

and after that i play another match where a guy is being attacked and resings at minute 8.

This is the best game of strategy ive found, but is the most time waster ever.

i dont see a long future for the game.