Matchmaking Issues/DCs

Anyone else running into an insane amount of matchmaking issues? Half the game lobbies I get into, in same cases more than half such as today, only 7/8 players are in the lobby and then the game gets cancelled before it starts via ‘A player has disconnected’—this is constant and has been something I’ve experienced since day 1, but only since the last patch has it gotten this bad.

The second piece is once the game actually starts, similarly, almost half the time there will be a split second of lag and then someone in the game drops and disconnects, it’s ruining the experience and the consensus amongst other players in ranked that I play with is this is a serious issue for all of us. What the hell is going on?

On top of that the chat never works in pre game lobbies and there doesn’t seem to be a mention of any of these problems online or even in this sub? I spend half the time I play sitting staring at a screen waiting for a game to properly work, and then when I do finally get a game going, half the time someone disconnects and it’s over anyways.

Can this issue please get visibility so the devs can investigate, absolutely killing the playability of ranked right now.

Edit: I’ve been trying to play since posting this for almost 3h off and on, CONSTANTLY joining ranked 4v4 games where the lobby is 7/8 filled and we all get booted with the same error message. I’ve played in 3 games since and 1 of them a player disconnected at the start, what a fucking joke this game is.