Confused and Surprised
I was playing a BF FFA and i was trying Berbers first time, the amount of times i see Pally/knight rushes, Horse archer floods and so on, i was interested with anything anti-cavalry
So green resigns still in feudal along with yellow, post game i see that blueByz and RedPersia had killed them in feudal, followed by Red resigning in the castle age, i made it to castle first and mopped up his castle knight rush within green’s ruins, and postgame i see that Teal had finished him off in the fog of war
Blue has like 4? Armies of Cataphracts, handcannons and trebs, but i fend them off thanks to house bottlenecking and them pinging them from a wall behind the house bottleneck with castles, bombards and 60 camel archers
I dont think he engages Cyan at all, but my late game Scout i forgot to use, exposes he only walled every Passage except mine, leaving only an outpost there
So i hussar rush his villagers farming far from TC under a mill and then target his gigantic house cluster and he resigns, to me? Likely
TealFranks suddenly fills up the hole he made in my double walls and hes using pure Pallys with Cannons
I counter cannon him and rush his remaining siege with another hussar army, and it just about cripples his army with my cannons picking off his Pallys engaging my cannons
He returns moments later with another pally army and with nothing else, i decide to meet him with my Berbers whom i picked just for this situation
He sees my berbers, tells his Paladins to retreat into the fog,
tells me in global chat “Its All Yours Mate”, then resigns
My confusion is, was he gold bankrupt and resigned not seeing a future if he lost his army? But hes also mining gold from the remains of the orher four players
Did he think it was GG as soon as he saw my army? I dunno, maybe it was the power of intimidation/fear tactics but from my POV (which i guess he couldnt see) i did leave a pretty obvious hole in my inner wall to funnel him either through houses, bombards, castles and my Camel archers
Or go through the southern opening to be funneled into my (unmanned presently) cluster of 9 stables
And then beyond that, a very juicy town centre. My only defenses after that if he pushed was i had a lake border my town centre i had stored 10 galleons, 5 cannon galleons and my castles guarding my TC if he hadnt destroyed them yet
Did he lose hope?
Im experienced but still so very newb when it comes to mechanics so im hell curious as to why he thought it was GG after seeing my army