Multiplayer frustration
Having a blast playing DE because its so beautiful and civs that got buffed are better if not already great and so on and so on but
Ive never played online before, only under a hundred games versus my mates online and ages ago over LAN at school
But every game i go into, im legit abandoned when its a team fight. Some toxic dude left our 4v4 because T H R E E fire ships were harassing his docks. And he kept spam pinging for help despite no one else having a navy (bar me because i intended on fishing for food anyway and was in progress, building a dock) so i tell him im on my way but no one else has a navy. He was so dumbfounded and salty he kept flaming us until he quit, but no one else was near water like me and him?? So then P3 resigned because its a 3v4
I convinced P4 to stay on because why not, lets try, try and have fun but yeah someone went indians and khmer and just 3 x 60 ballistae elephants’d us :/
—— second game
It was a 2v1 and my ally resigned because the enemy was in the heart of his base, but wasnt rebuilding far from the battles he just kept building like 5seconds walking distance away
I llegit did my best to convince him to stay on, and i sent sooo many archers, anti archers, pikemen and light cavalry but we both couldnt understand why Malian UU wasnt dying. It was only 40 and he could only replenish 10 at a time, it was economically winnable
I was archer rushed by the enemy’s ally early so i was glad to finally have my economy back in the game but goddamn, light blue resigned JUST as i discovered that even unupgraded Ballista work on the army and then a simple hussar rush cleans up
But im alone and went into debt to try help light blue earlier so 1v1 im defeated
if its any indicator, can you at lease have a b i t of integrity and try training new troops/army compositions instead of resigning as soon as things go south