My mom is super rude about her personal beauty standards

She is a very vocal judgmental person. My one pet peeve is she calls anything she doesn’t deem good “trashy”. The biggest thing is appearance. She hates it when I wear what I want to because to me, what I wear doesn’t determine who I am, to her, what you look like and wear is everything.

She goes on rants about how she won’t sit next to certain people because of what they wear. God forbid we pass a homeless person when driving (in a big metal lockable car) because now she’s “super scared they look so trashy and they are so dangerous”.

She hates the fact that I wear shorts and a T-shirt to HIGHSCHOOL, because “when you dress better you will get handed opportunities and people will like you for not being trashy”, In high school? I’m not going to get a modeling job on the way to fourth period.

One of the worst parts is how racist she is with appearance. For example, today I was walking to our car and this guy (parked next to our car) was staring at me the whole way. We made eye contact a couple of times and it was super unnerving. When I got in the car with her I asked if she noticed it and she started talking about how he looked like a terrorist. (he didn’t look white). She makes comments like this all of the time and I’ve tried talking to her about it but she won’t listen. She just says “they can’t hear me and I’m just adding details to the situation”. What do I do.